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School Announcements
Spring Testing Information
Hello Fighting Bees Nation! We will be starting our Spring State Testing the week we return from Spring Break.
PSAT 9/10
April 9 There are no makeup tests for the PSAT 9/10.
: April 9 (test day + virtual classes in the afternoon) Please note, testing for JUNIORS is mandatory per graduation requirements set by the State of Michigan.
ACT WorkKeys
: April 10
: April 15
Only students in grades 9, 10 and 11 will come to Bath High School;
12th grade students DO NOT COME TO CAMPUS
Breakfast will be provided to all students from 7:20-7:40am.
Students must be in their testing room by 7:45am. If a student arrives after 7:45am, they may be denied entrance to their testing room.
Students will be released at the conclusion of the exam; most students will be released by 11:00am. *Students with testing accommodations may take longer to complete their test.
ALL STUDENTS (9-12) will complete their school day
after testing is completed.
For students requiring transportation, we will release them at the normal time (2:35pm).
If your student will be staying on campus and riding the bus home, please complete the form that was sent out by email OR contact the office by FRIDAY, MARCH 28.
Spring Conferences: March 25th
Bath High School will hold Parent/Teacher conferences on
Tuesday, March 25th from 3pm - 6pm.
Conferences will be held in the high school cafeteria and are on a drop in basis.
Please contact the front office with any questions.
Daily Announcements
“Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.” -Robert J. Collier
Visitors to Bath High School are asked to please call the front office upon arrival in order to gain access to the building.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Students, in order to keep your school Chromebook working properly, please turn them OFF each night to allow updates to be sent.
All student drivers must have a permit for their vehicle. Permits may be obtained in the office from Mrs. Flegal.
All students must check in and out with office when leaving or arriving during school hours.
Phones are NOT allowed in the classrooms. If you feel sick, please come down to the office so we may call home for you. Please do not remain in the classroom if you are not feeling well, for your sake as well as that of your fellow classmates.
Parking Passes can be purchased in the front office for the cost of $10. All students parking on campus must have a parking permit.
: BHS is a closed campus. For student safety there are no outside food deliveries allowed. Students should not be excused to leave campus to get food during their lunch periods. Thank you for your cooperation.
School Messenger Text Message Notifications Opt-In
Bath Community Schools will be using a new form of parent communication called SchoolMessenger. All email, phone call and text messages from the district will now be sent from SchoolMessenger.
Anyone wanting to receive text messages must opt in with their cell phone number. If you do not opt in then you will only receive phone calls and email notifications from your child's school.
SMS Text Opt-In Flyer
Free and Reduced Lunch
BCS is excited to inform you that Michigan has passed legislation providing one free breakfast and one lunch to all K-12 students! While this is wonderful news for our students, there are other programs that are impacted by our applications for the free and reduced lunch program. AP testing fees, as well as Pay-to-Participate for sports through our schools, are waived. In addition, funding is given for the summer Eat Up Meet Up program and Summer EBT Benefits.
Even though students are provided with free meals, please consider filling out the application.
Rent the Rock
BHS Spirit Rock is for rent!
Parents, students, staff and community members now have the opportunity to
and share positive messages including:
* Students birthday *Show school spirit *Recognize a student or staff member *Any positive/congratulatory message.
Rent the Rock Policies
$25 for the week; rental begins 2pm on Sunday through 12pm the following Sunday
Profanity, political messages, inappropriate or vulgar images/content and business advertisements are prohibited.
Only the rock can be painted. Please protect the surrounding area of the rock while painting.
Please use protective covering so we do not have paint on the ground. If you damage the area, we reserve the right to charge you for the clean up.
It will take approximately 4-5 cans of spray paint to cover the rock.
Bath Community Schools and Bath High School are not responsible for any damages incurred to clothing/persons that are painting the rock.
100% of the proceeds go to Bath High School for student activities & educational experiences.
Go Bees!
2024-2025 YEARBOOKS
2024/2025 Yearbooks are now on sale!
Yearbooks are availabe now for $70
Use the code: YRBK5 when ordering. There is a limited number of coupons so order now!
Please contact
[email protected]
for more information.
Work Permits
If you need a work permit you can pick one up from the office or go to https://www.michigan.gov/leo/bureaus-agencies/ber/wage-and-hour/work-permits.
This information is for parents of students who finished the 2023-2024 school year at Bath Community Schools and are returning for the 2024-2025 school year.
Current PowerSchool account holders
1. Log into your Parent account.
2. Select your student; if more than one you will need to complete forms for EACH student.
3. Select FORMS on the left side of page (you may need to click the student's name for a dropdown menu). The forms that require updating will be visible in this section.
IF you are in the
app you will select the 3 dots (more) at the bottom of the screen to locate the forms.
4. Please make any changes and submit the forms.
NOTE: If you do NOT have any changes you must still submit the form.
NEW PowerSchool users
: Follow these steps if you need to create a Parent PowerSchool account.
1. Open the internet browser on your computer.
2. Type
into the address bar.
3. Click on Create New User Tab.
4. Fill in the information requested for your desired username and password.
5. Enter your student's full name, Access ID and Password:
Parents of High School students please contact
[email protected]
to obtain your child's Access ID and Password.
Adding a student to your PowerSchool Account
If you already have a PowerSchool account, use the Access ID and Password to link your new student to your account. You can add this student to your portal account by clicking on Account Preferences and the Student Tab, click Add
US News and World Report - Best High Schools
Bath High School has been included in the list of US News and World Reports Best High Schools.
Post Graduation Opportunities Information Packet
Michigan Career Pathfinder Resources Page
Michigan Achievement Scholarship Information
The Michigan Legislature recently passed the fiscal year 2025 budget, and it is currently awaiting the governor's signature. The budget makes changes to the Michigan Achievement Scholarship, including the creation of the Community College Guarantee, and also contains other updates to state financial aid programs.
These are big changes that impact students from the graduating classes of 2023, 2024, and beyond. These changes need to be communicated immediately so students can understand the financial aid available and, if they haven't already, complete the FAFSA as soon as possible.
Community College Guarantee
The Michigan Achievement Scholarship now includes the Community College Guarantee, giving every high school graduate an opportunity to earn a tuition-free associate’s degree or skills certificate from an in-district community college.
Beginning fall 2024, students from the
class of 2023 and beyond
are eligible for the Community College Guarantee, which includes:
Last-dollar scholarship that covers the full cost of in-district tuition, contact hours, and mandatory fees.
An additional $1,000 living expenses award for students who are eligible for a federal Pell Grant.
While the Student Aid Index requirement has been removed, other Michigan Achievement Scholarship requirements remain the same.
Class of 2023 spring graduates must enroll by fall semester 2024; class of 2024 spring graduates must enroll by fall semester 2025.
Four-year Public or Private Colleges or Universities
Beginning fall 2024, students from the class of 2023 and beyond may be eligible for up to $5,500 a year toward their full Cost of Attendance
at a Michigan four-year college or university. Baccalaureate degree programs at Michigan community colleges are also eligible for up to $5,500 toward Cost of Attendance. Students enrolling at a four-year private college or university are now eligible for up to $5,500 a year (an increase from the previous $4,000 award).
To be eligible for this pathway, students still must demonstrate financial need by having a Student Aid Index of $30,000 or less. Other eligibility requirements remain the same.
Annual Education Report
AER Cover Letter 2023-2024
AER BHS Combined Report Data Link 2023-2024
7:45 am - 2:35 pm (1ST BELL @ 7:40 AM) HALF DAYS DISMISSAL 11:00AM
Upcoming Events
Parent Teacher Conferences
@ BHS in cafeteria
Starting at:
Tue Mar 25 2025
Spring Break
March 27th - April 6th
Thu Mar 27 2025
to Sun Apr 6 2025
Varsity Baseball - AWAY
vs. Charyl Stockwell Prep
Starting at: 4:00 PM
Mon Apr 7 2025
Girls Varsity Soccer - HOME
vs. Lansing Christian School
Starting at: 5:30 PM
Tue Apr 8 2025
PSAT 9/10 & SAT Testing
Wed Apr 9 2025
ACT WorkKeys
Thu Apr 10 2025
View Calendar
Quick Links
2024-2025 District Calendar
2023-2024 Bath HS Handbook
Medication Form: Medications
Medication Form: Inhaler/Epi Pen
Area Food Pantry Listings:
Transcript Requests:
Parchment Link
Student Information
Yearbook & Senior Photo Information
BHS Dance Form
Website Accessibility Statement
Bath Community Schools is committed to website accessibility for all users. If, due to a disability, you are unable to access content or software on the district's website, please contact our website accessibility coordinator at (517) 641-6721 or email
[email protected]
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